Panza Gallery
MaryAnn Gorka
A Celebration of Color and Light.
Opening Reception:
Sunday, March 8th 2009 2-5pm
Show runs march 8 to April 11th 2009.
A conversation with the artist will be held in the gallery Saturday
April 4th 1-2pm.
MaryAnn Gorka executes her work using a unique, self taught "acrylic
on acrylic'' method, painting two complete
landscapes on both sides of a translucent acrylic panel. Each side of
her paintings stand alone as a work of art,
yet interacts with the other in artificial and natural light,
creating an ever-changing three dimensional visual affect.
small preview: http://web.mac.com/panzagallery/Panza_Gallery/Gorka.html
Panza Gallery
115 Sedgwick Street
Millvale Pa 15209
Gallery Hours:
wed,thur,fri 10-5 & sat 10-3
Mark Panza
phone: 412.821.0959
email: panzagallery@mac.com
online: www.panzagallery.com
Like what's posted on this blog and the website http://www.pghgalleries.com/ ? This is a volunteer effort so donations of any size are welcome which can be made via paypal here . Also at that link anyone interested in purchasing banner space, which includes placement on this blog and the PghGalleries.com website, can sign up there. Thanks! Rick Byerly
Photography from rick byerly: http://www.uniquetake.com/ , http://www.planetyellowstone.com/, http://www.buypittsburghart.com/
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pittsburgh galleries is a project from
pittsburgh photographer rick byerly, www.uniquetake.com