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Correction: There is no Nov 5 2008 Binding Party
Weekly Binding Parties at Encyclopedia Destructica
Encyclopedia Destructica creates art-zines (magazines with book aesthetics) inspired by the need to explore and export contemporary arts/culture in a way that’s accessible and easy to engage in, providing a forum for a primordial dialogue between artists.
To produce each issue, Encyclopedia Destructica holds weekly binding parties, gatherings where artists, friends, & the interested general public come to the Destructica studios and work on the production of the zines. Created and distributed in a DIY fashion, Encyclopedia Destructica promotes this attitude as well as providing support and resources for local artists to create their own book/zine projects. Encyclopedia Destructica is interested in community and dialogue throughout the creative process with the artists and editors in the process of creating an issue, the artwork within the pages of an issue, artists and participants as they work on production in binding sessions, and the viewer engaging the issue and the artwork within.
Encyclopedia Destructica holds almost weekly binding parties on Wednesday evenings. Binding parties are open to the public, are are gatherings where we work on the production of Destructica's zines and books. Email zine@encyclopediadestructica.com to join our binding party email list.
156 41st Street (Lawrenceville) Pittsburgh Pa 15201
... Like what's posted on this blog and the website http://www.pghgalleries.com/ ? This is a volunteer effort so donations of any size are welcome which can be made via paypal here . Also at that link anyone interested in purchasing banner space, which includes placement on this blog and the PghGalleries.com website, can sign up there. Thanks! Rick Byerly
Pittsburgh art events: http://www.pittsburghgalleries.blogspot.com/ Pittsburgh art gallery directory: http://www.pghgalleries.com/
Photography from rick byerly: http://www.uniquetake.com/ and http://www.rickbyerly.com/
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pittsburgh photographer rick byerly, www.uniquetake.com
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